Fary Khan is Director of Rehabilitation Services, Royal Melbourne Hospital (RMH) and Principal Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of Melbourne; and A/Prof (Research), School of Public Health and Preventative Medicine, Monash University. Her Department is integrated with the Neurosciences Division and specialises in neurological rehabilitation for conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Motor Neuron Disease, developmental disabilities, strokes, tumours, head injury, spasticity management; amputee rehabilitation, chronic pain and orthopaedic/musculoskeletal conditions. A/Prof Khan is Executive Member, Special Advisory Leadership Committee for Sub-acute Care, Department of Health, Victoria and WHO Disaster Committee. She is Executive member and Coordinating Editor of the Cochrane Multiple Sclerosis Review group, Milan and is Advisory Committee Member on Australian and International Disability Data, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.
A/Prof Khan currently holds a number of international and national academic Senior Research Fellow appointments, including Representative for the Western Pacific Region, World Health Organization (WHO), ICF Research Branch, Maximillian Ludwig University, Germany; Honorary Fellow of the Melbourne EpiCentre, RMH and National Ageing and Research Institute; Vice-Chair, Research Committee, International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine; Senior Research Fellow in Oxford University, Kings College and University of Leeds, UK; Karolinska University, Sweden; Institute of Neurology, UK; University of Hamburg, Germany; and Department of Neurorehabilitation, Valens Klinik, Switzerland.